Monday, May 23, 2011

Often, we hear in bible studies and in messages that  woman are “the helpers”. My first response to this phrase was one of feeling unimportance and anger. No one wants to just be known as “the helper” we want to have more importance, then just the man behind the scenes. Today I heard a great message saying that woman in the bible or when talking about woman we are referred to as the Hebrew word “ ezer”.
God is a helper (ezer) in various places in Scripture, this word having to do with also women, being subject to their husbands because tho God is not subject to Israel even though He is her helper. It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper corresponding to him. Woman's reason for being is to help man. This is always her purpose. God's purpose is to glorify Himself. He glorifies Himself by helping, but also by creating, judging, destroying, etc.
God shows him his need and then fills it. Man needs a helper for his work and God supplies her. He is called "ish" and she is called "ishah."
The general meaning of the word “ezer” is help, support, succor, assistance. At times, it can have a military overtone, although that aspect.  Thus, in Psalms it is used as one calls on divine help for illness; there is no sense of a military intervention here. 
Woman add support, help, 
ACHASHVEROSH (אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹש): Hebrew form of Babylonian Achshiyarshu, meaning "great warrior" or "lion-king." In the bible, this is the name of a king of Persia. 
ACHSHIYARSHU: Babylonian form of Persian Khashayarshah, meaning "great warrior" or "lion-king." In the bible, this is the name of a king of Persia. His Hebrew name is Achashverosh. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

~Double Dipping~

Just the other day I had picked up a Hansen’s Smoothie Nectar Guava Strawberry Drink. It had contained 25% Fruit Juice which is a little more then the average fruit drink here in America. I noticed that this drink had contained a (Glucose-Fructose Syrup). I found it interesting and did some research on this combination.
Our body's primary source of energy takes the form of glucose. This type of sugar comes from digesting carbohydrates into a chemical that we can easily convert to energy. When glucose levels in the bloodstream aren't properly regulated, one can develop a serious condition such as diabetes.
We will get most of our glucose from digesting the sugar and starch in carbohydrates, foods like rice, pasta, grain, potatoes, fruits, a few vegetables, and “processed sweets qualify as carbohydrates”. Our digestive system, using bile and enzymes to break down the  starch and sugar in these foods into glucose Which is the functional form of energy then gets absorbed through our small intestine into the bloodstream. There, a chemical known as insulin, excreted by the pancreas, meets the glucose. Together, they can enter cells in “muscles and the brain”, allowing glucose to power activities like lifting a book or remembering a phone number.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

13 Affordable Ways To Good Health

   Although, all of these are good general tips, the main thing that people are missing is the self-control. I have found in my research that this website is very helpful to explaining the issue.

#1 Exercise, and at the very least, just walk.

#2 Sleep earlier.
#3 Consider vitamin supplementation.
#4 Think twice about joining weight loss programs. (If you need to)
#5 Eat more vegetables, cut down on red meat, caffeine, sugar and salt.
#6 Never skip breakfast.
#7 Never eat an incomplete meal.
#8 Don’t let yourself go hungry.
#10 Wash your hands often.
#11 Toss the vices. (Self-control is the key)
#12 Visit your doctor for annual tests
#13 Drink Lots of water
~Little tips to help~
  • Cinnamon is a great way to regulate blood-sugar
  • Peppermint helps with controlling hunger
  • A little peanut-butter before bed or nuts will help your blood-sugar
  • Eating three forms of low-fat dairy a day 
  • Stretching will help with the buildup of lactic acid and helps with your mood

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dyslexia and hyperlexia~Brain Damage~Sugar

Many people have a bad perception of dyslexia. Dyslexia is not as simple as it seems and it is Not Reading Backward.
- Difficulty with maintaining concentration
- Problems remembering facts
- Delays in learning language
- Problems paying attention
- Taking an extreme amount of time a get homework tasks done
- Low self-esteem
- Difficulty with handwriting and grasping writing utensils
- Difficulty with auditory processing
- Difficulty staying on-task
-Difficulty reading
- Lacking awareness of physical surroundings
- Problems with impulse control
- Problems with time organization
- Trouble interacting with peers or participating in normal childhood activities
- Feelings of anxiety, tension and/or depression.
- Words almost dance/move on the page 
I learned at a young age that I had dyslexia and later in my life I found a way to manage it. I learned that I was 1 of 9% of people that can manage dyslexia and improve.
Upon research of my disease, I found that there is another form of dyslexia called hypodyslexia/hyperlexia an sugar induced for of dyslexia causing brain damage.
Often what happens to kids with dyslexia is that they have low self-esteem, so there parents give them comfort foods to make them feel better, not realizing that is causing a downward spiral for their kids.
Refined sugar causes those with dyslexia to become in a extreme state of ADHD and memory loss. When eat or drink something that has refined sugar  in it, your blood-sugar raises and with that causes the brain to go overload, this doubles the affect of dyslexia. Then when you are coming off your sugar high and your blood-sugar drops, your brain slows down, just like after a sugar crash, making it now vertically impossible to now retain what you are learning and also processing anything.
 Stop reading and trying will end up causing a certain amount of brain damage and causes you to have a reverse in your muscle memory.

Curious, isn't it? That's what happens when you take a substance out of nature and refine it to maximize its chemical surface area and biological activity.

You have been working all day and the whole day you have been craving one thing, Doughnuts! You are without even knowing it, addicted. Not to doughnuts but but to the refined sugar.

What would an outside observer think of modern human behavior in relation to sugar?" Most likely they would think humans were strange animals to be so utterly controlled by a crystalline white substance. Refined white sugar is like dietary crack, and it rots out your teeth just like meth, only slower.

The truth is, most American consumers are so addicted to sugar that they will deny their addictions in the same way that a crack or heroin addict might. And yet, when it comes down to it, sugar controls their behavior. If they don't have their sugar in the morning (in their coffee, pancakes and cereals), sugar at lunch (in the salad dressing, pasta sauce, soda and restaurant food) and sugar at dinner (there's sugar in pizza, ketchup and BBQ sauce), then they suffer serious withdrawal symptoms and go crazy with moodswings and irritability they also may even become sweaty and light-headed.Curious, isn't it? That's what happens when you take a substance out of nature and refine it to maximize its chemical surface area and biological activity.

  • Cocaine is a drug that's refined from coca leaves. 
  • Opium is a drug that's refined from poppies. 
  • And sugar is a drug that's refined from sugarcane. 

And while we have a "war on drugs" against cocaine and heroin, our taxpayer dollars actually subsidize the sugar industry, making refined white sugar cheap and widely available to the entire population so that everyone can be equally hooked.
sn't it curious how, in modern society, we fight a war against certain drugs (like cocaine), yet subsidize others? (Like sugar.) The difference, of course, is that the sugar industry has a powerful political lobby and is universally abused by virtually the entire population. Drugs that are abused by only a few (such as heroin) get outlawed, while drugs that are abused by everyone (such as caffeine and sugar) receive legal immunity. It's mob rule. And the mob is addicted to sugar.

Monday, April 18, 2011

#Think Twice What You Eat~For Self-image Sake, Could Eating healthier help you find love?..

Eating fruit and vegetables can make you look more attractive to the opposite sex, just by the conceived selfimage of it. Eating healthier not only gives you the healthy glow and rosy complexion but studies show that it gives you:

*A modern feel
*A sense of personality and charm 
*Not only shows that you care about yourself but shows a sense of stability
*It even shows long term commitment

  • Portion control is attractive. Think on it, when you go out with another is it attractive when they are over eating or under eating.

You recognize that an excessive amount of of a superb thing can also be dangerous for you right? Well, that rule additionally applies in healthy eating. Certain they are healthy, but should you eat an excessive amount of them? Moderation is the key.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Refind sugar is truly a starvation food...

Did you know we consume at least 5000 milligrams of sodium every day? That is over 20 times what are body needs.

Did you know that white sugar account for over 50 percent of the calories in the average Americans diet? Refind sugar is truly a starvation food. At first, it satistied the call for food and the blood sugar levels rises very rapidly. Then, however, this level drops far below normal limits, resulting in hypoglycemia (abnormally low blood sugar), whitch is often accompanied by extreme fatigue.