Monday, February 28, 2011

~Skin Care~

How to get rid of blackheads and large pours
*Baking soda and just enough warm water to make it into an almost pasty substance. -You are going to use this just as you would a scrub.

How to tighten and help maintain moisture for your face and help eyelashes and eyebrows.
All though it is not quite common but studies show that Alo-Alovera gel help tighten skin also help keep in in mosture and also is great for eyebrows and eyelashes. You are going to want Alo-vera Gel with no colors added and no alcahol. Aply to your face after you shower and add mosterizer.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My favorite Chocolate Cake Recipe!~Tennessee Chocolate Cake~

 Preheat oven to 375 and bake for 27 minutes on the middle rack.

Cake Batter                
1 cup water
2 sticks of butter
4 Tbsp Hershey's cocoa
2 cups sugar
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/3 cup buttermilk
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
2 medium egg, slightly beaten

Combine water and butter & boil.
Mix cocoa, sugar, flour & salt.
Pour water & butter over dry mixture.
Add buttermilk, baking soda, vanilla & eggs.

1 sick of butter
6 Tbsp milk
1 tsp vanilla
4 Tbsp cocoa
1lb of confectionery sugar.

Mix butter, milk, vanilla & cocoa in saucepan.
Bring to a boil.
Ice cake while warm in the pan.

~My Favorite way to make "Crapes".

1 cup flour
2 eggs
1 1/4 cup milk
2 tbsp oil
1/4 tsp salt

Add all the ingredients and whisk then place in the fridge for 1 hour covered. Then, when the time is up, you will want a medium sized pan that is well greased and a 1/4 cup. Put the pan on the stove top on medium heat and add a 1/4 cup of the batter and spread evenly across the pan 'quickly'. When the sides start to thin and get crispier, take your spatula and gently flip over. You will want the other side to have some color.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Health And Diet Tips

We all strive to achieve to be a better us, to maintain a healthy diet and weight but we all have are faltering point wether it be are favorite junk food to our inconsistent working out routines. Here are some tips to maintain a healthy diet in our hectic world.

First watch what you are taking in, our consumption of high-fructose corn syrup has increased 250 percent over the past 15 years. Estimates indicate that we consume about 13 percent of our daily calories in the form of fructose.
High-fructose corn syrup is an addictive substance and if you look back through our history in America when corn syrup was introduced it parallel the line of obesity. Our bodies burn glucose as a source of immediate energy, and store it in our muscles and our livers for later use. 
High-fructose corn syrup is not just in pop and in high sugary foods but its in places you wouldn't even think, its in bread, meats, fruit drinks and soups often even caned-products, ect.
Speaking of bread another good thing to keep in check is eating wholegrain. I know, I know, we have all heard it before on commercials and adds, but don’t be deceived by it saying enriched in front of your white bread. This “Does Not” mean that it is good for you, in-fact when reading that , it should come off as a warning. White bread should be cut out of your diet, often just containing carbs and meaningless sugars, primarily “high fructose corn syrup” and has not beneficial benefits.-more info go to,
Things you should take in, in majority in a day. 
*Large portions of berries and fruits
*Fresh veggies-  I am not talking about canned and fresh can be a broad term in the food industry also natural.
*3 things of dairy a day- again watch out for (HFCS)
  • Oils-  Not oil from fatty fried foods but good oils like, Olive oil, canola oil
  • *High Protein /Omega 3 fatty acids- this includes lean meats and fish
*High Water intake- you should drink daily half your body weight in ounces of water. This is very important when you are trying to loss weight.

Monday, February 14, 2011

What a Flyover, Ground-level and Worm's eye view technique looks like in a bible study on Mark 3:20-30

Challenge “A”- Mark 3:20-30
General overview and overview of related text of when Mark 3:20-30 was written.
*Matt 6:16-18: Jesus’ teaching about fasting
*Matt 22:1-14: Jesus’ parable speaking to Israel’s status upon its rejection of Jesus
*Matt 23: An extended version of Jesus’ evaluation of the Pharisees.
(F) for Flyover, (G) for Ground Level and (w) for Worm’s eye view.
(1F.) Why did Jesus’ family come to take charge of him? And why did they think ‘He was out of mind’? ~Mark 3: 20-21 says Then he went home, and the crowd gathered again, so that they could not even eat. 21*And when his family heard it, they went out to seize him, for they were saying, "He is out of his mind."
G. Jesus was becoming very popular in the masses. Mark 3:20
w. They might have thought of taking him home for rest and food (He and his disciples were unable to even eat due to huge crowd. (Jesus feeding five thousand) Mark 3:27-20
(2F.) Who was Beelzebub?~Mark 22-30 And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying,"He is possessed by Beelzebub," and "by the prince of demons he casts out the demons." 
G. Beelzebub was the Lord of flies or dung Matthew 12:24-25
w. Beelzebub is mentioned in 2 Kings 1:1-16 as God of Ekron. 
G. Satan is the Prince of demons 
w. In Matthew 12:24-25: explains that Beelzebub is the Lord of dung.
(3F.) What/Why did Teachers of the Law accuse Jesus ~Mark 3:22-27 says And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, "He is possessed by Beelzebub," and "by the prince of demons he casts out the demons." 23*And he called them to him and said to them in parables, "How can Satan cast out Satan? 24*If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25*And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. 26*And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but is coming to an end. 27*But no one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. Then of?indeed he may plunder his house.
G. He was accused of ‘Blasphemy against Holy Spirit’ an unpardonable sin. Mark 3: 22-27
G. The Pharisees had attitude of disbelief and had unrepentant heart Mark 2:3-16
w. They deliberately, rejected the work of Holy Spirit. clearly, all throughout the book of Mark.
w.Hardheartedness or stubbornness to deny the work of Holy spirit -Mark 2:4
w.Continually rejecting, resisting and insulting Spirit of God
G. It is one thing to deny the Spirit of God ignorantly, but if you deliberately reject his work .
  1. They calmed he was possessed by Beelzebub.
G. He was driving out demons with the help of prince of demons(Satan).
G. They did accept the fact that Jesus did cast out demons.
G.They could not doubt his miracles or his  supernatural powers.
w. But they refused to believe that this power was from God, because then they have to accept in his claims to be ‘Messiah’.
G.Due to their hardheartedness or pride, they did not believe in him.
w.Instead they were jealous of his increasing popularity, so they tried to destroy his reputation by accusing him of ‘possessed by Beelzebub’.
(4F.) Jesus answer him there accusations. ~Mark 3: 24-28 says 24*If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25*And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. 26*And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but is coming to an end. 27*But no one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man.Then indeed he may plunder his house.
G. Jesus used three examples in parables to answer their questions.
w. The first was the “Kingdom” parable.- Mark 3: 24,25
w. The second war the “House” parable.-Mark 3:26
w. The last parable was the “Strong man’s house.”- Mark 3:27
G. He used simple logic to put down their false claims.
w. Why would Satan let him take ‘possession’?- Mark 3:27
w. Satan’s kingdom can not stand if he cast himself out. - Mark 3: 24,25
w.  Similarly, house also cannot stand, if it is divided.- Mark 3: 27
(5F.) Jesus show his superiority. Mark 3:27-30 says 27*But no one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. Then indeed he may plunder his house.
 28* "Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, 29*but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin" 30*for they were saying, "He has an unclean spirit." 
  1. In the third parable, he talked about the “strong man’s house”. 
G. Jesus could cast out demons for a fact.
w.  Jesus was saying, that he and prince of demons are not working together,also he is has superior power to defeat Satan and rescue people out of his possession.
The original intent was to show the people that God is love and has full control over everything. He was there to set the Pharisees start and keep the Lords kingdom pure, he intended his children to learn his world and grow closer to him.
God is in control and has the upper hand in every matter and this I know and can rely upon even now.
Mark was probably a resident of Jerusalem, since his mother had a house in the city (This is talked about in Act’s). 
Mark, being a resident of Jerusalem, would have been a Palestinian Jew,  thus having Aramaic as his first language. We believe that Mark wrote the gospel but also it is clear that he was some kind of interpreter.
One historical truth is that Mark was in a different time period.
We see the teachers of the law accusing Jesus of having evil spirit, but in return, they accused themselves of sin. This is to remind us of how stubborn man can be and how we need Christ. 
This also shows us that Jesus went through the same things that we are going through now, we are not alone. (Matthew 5: 11-12)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Short Story Called "The Living Dead"

I awake with a headache in a pit of darkness 

Eyes widen trying to capture even the slightest of images

Lifting my hand slowly to the left I feel a wall, my right touches the other side.

A deadening thought comes over me

Burst of panic arises and I hit and wiggle trying to release myself

I yell, nothing, I hear nothing but my own breathe in reply

Coming somewhat out of the panic, I situate what is going on in the darkness, the sides, which my
fingers still touched, were cold. There’s heaviness on my chest 

My joints are fused in fear, like a board

The need to move is greater each minute that passes

A stream of tears floods my eyes and runs down the sides of my face.

I am unable to dry my face, so the salt substance dries

Breathing deeply I feel claustrophobic

Panic still rushes throw me in sudden bursts

My heart ponders the idea of escape and my last words at the same time

I concentrate on my breathing but the more I try the worse it gets

This is just a joke I tell myself, this is just a joke. 

Just a bit of Poetry called "My Last Good Bye"

Darkness sets in and the sea roars

The slightest sound makes me fill with fear

My body feels the need to flee, but I stand utterly still

My hands are shaky and useless

I feel limp, like all my blood rushed down to my feet, making me unable to move

Coldness slips in with out a sign

The once warm sand turns into ice

I draw cold with a hole in my heart and a gun to my side

I do not feel the pain

But the bitter feeling of regret pulls me down to my knees

Death calls my name and I to it

Desperate to go out of this world, that I was so unwilling to come into

I felt trapped, useless to this world and it to me

The only way out I have been shown and I did take it 

"What Norms Are"

“What Norms Are”
Norms are the agreed-upon expectations put on this general society also rules by which the culture guides the behavior of its members no-matter situation of the subjects. Norms vary in great extents across cultural groups. One such group is the average American citation, for instance, maintain eye contact when in conversation with others, but in the Asian culture averting ones gaze well talking is a sign of politeness and respect, also humility, a sign of being below that person.
When looking at the general norms, you need to focus on at least four types of norms, first being folkways, mores, taboos, and laws. Folkways, sometimes known as “customs,” are standards of behavior that are socially acceptable for example, belching loudly after eating dinner at someone else's home is not acceptable in American folkway, but in other cultures not belching after a meal shows that you did not truly enjoy your meal and may have not liked the meal.
When referring to “ Mores” are norms of morality  hence “mor” in “Mores”. An example of braking a more is to for example, attending your church in the nude, more then likely you will offend most people of a culture.
Certain behaviors are considered taboo, meaning a culture absolutely forbids them, for example incest in U.S. culture, rape, not respecting women's rights, child abuse. 
Finally we have, “laws” witch are a formal body of rules driven forth by the state and backed by the power of the people. 
Members of a culture must conform to its norms for the culture to exist and function in a social circle. Members must want to conform and obey rules to help this work. Internalize the social norms as there own norms and values making it “normal” for the culture.
Never really thinking of this this way but a culture has to have some kind of “social control”. Such as, fines, punishments, and even imprisonment to keep the general population safe and for those who do not conform to all the norms. For example in rich society stealing is not socially acceptable, but in a poorer culture it may just be the “Norm.”
“Sullivan 2009 said..“This sociological term has been defined as "the rules that a group uses for appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. These rules may be explicit or implicit.Failure to follow the rules can result in severe punishments, including exclusion from the group." He clearly states and provides unfailing statement. 
With  social norms establish an approved ways of doing things such as, ways of dress, of speech and of appearance. These vary from culture to culture and evolve not only through time but also vary from age group to another age, social groups, ethnic groups, gender and role playing. Learning that asking a woman how old she is. is not socially acceptable in the American prejudice. The list goes on of social norms such as:
Saying "Bless you" when someone sneezes. 
Not answering your phone when out on a date or with friends. 
Not talking in a movie theater. 
Dressing nicely to go out in public places. 
How often you wash you're clothing, bed sheets. 
Brushing your teeth every day. 
Hair & clothing styles in certain neighborhoods or parts of the country. 
Using phrases that you've heard before ("If it was a snake it would-a bit me," "But it's a dry heat," "Different strokes for different folks”,” Well for hobbling horses”, “ Brake a leg”. ) 
Shaking hands when greeting someone or in others bowing. 
Being polite. (witch also different areas of the country/world how you would display politeness)
“Saying, "Please" and "Thank you", or "Sir" and "Ma'am"  in the U.S.

“The Pursuit of God”-By: A.W. Tozer

“The Pursuit of God”-By: A.W. Tozer
A.W. Tozer is a, or comes off as a strict conservative and enthusiastic evangelist. He uses forever more theology not of the head but the heart.
This book may be short but it accomplishes so much in so few pages. There is some good information and analysis in the book, and I noticed, each chapter closes with a compelling prayer. 
Though this book maybe a little eccentric and may offend some, we need to realize that this book may just kindle a fire in the hearts of many unbelievers. I do believe that in some cases that this book could be a light for God and provoke a thirst for Christ Jesus and a quest saying, “I've got to know God better.”
Tozer convinces readers that they have just scratched the surface of that relationship in witch we have in Christ.
Tozer writes, “A spiritual kingdom lies all about us, enclosing us, embracing us, altogether within reach of our inner selves, waiting for us to recognize it. God Himself is here waiting our response to His presence. This eternal world will come alive to us the moment we begin to reckon upon its reality.”  Like in the beginning of “The Pursuit of God”, the introduction God grasps and inspires, the Lord does not gain or lose anything that we do, it is only ours to gain or lose by not excepting the reality of his gift and existence.  Tozor also stats the fact that God does not beg or compromise for us to come to church and purse him. 
The Pursuit of God wants to push us into our own pursuit for him, not teach us about someone else's. In this book Tozer rarely talks about his own spiritual journey, and only briefly points of the journeys of other Christians and biblical examples.
We have a natural way or sense of bringing not just ourselves but others around us for we are social beings. We should be bringing everyone we know to the church, evangelizing and being a continuing witness for Christ. The cross something you take up deliberately not accidentally or half heartedly. Tozor in “Receptivity to God,” explains and gives an example of baby birds in a nest struggling to get out of there shells and how he felt bad. So the next year when the birds started to hatch he helped each one out. You know that happen then? Each one of those baby birds died. Just like a Christian coming to Christ, we need to make our own way to Christ out of our shells. Without that we would not have a generated faith a “true faith” a love a passion for him. Think about it. Would you believe what you believe and much as you believe, if you never went through a struggle to get there? 
The end chapter is “The Sacrament of Living,” Tozer warns against the harm that comes from assuming (One of Humanity biggest faults), there is a separation between the physical and spiritual realms. When we think that heaven is a reality only for the future, God inevitably becomes irrelevant to the present. “God is no more real [to most Christians] than He is to the non-Christian. They go through life trying to love an ideal and be loyal to a mere principle.” When in reality they miss the relationship witch is the most important part of our journey.
We need to stay in the word and communion with the Lord Jesus. He warned us many time many come as false prophets. Looking in revelation chapter three verse five people read this verse now for your name to be blot out it had to be there.
The bible is so clear about repentance.God commands ALL men everywhere to repent in Acts 17:30. Few preach against sin anymore. God is holy and He hates all sin and we should hate sin if we are followers and believers of God. We should live righteous unto the Lord by His Spirit.
To believe in Jesus also means, I turn from living for myself and pledge to live for him. Grace teaches us to say no to what grieves Jesus (sin). Grace is not a license to sin but motivates us to live holy lives. Salvation is not just some ticket to heaven.We are saved from sin and saved unto a vital relationship with the Lord Jesus.
We follow him take up our cross and follow him, coming to him and continue to choose him above all alts, follow him with faith and belief in his perfect love.