Sunday, February 13, 2011

“The Pursuit of God”-By: A.W. Tozer

“The Pursuit of God”-By: A.W. Tozer
A.W. Tozer is a, or comes off as a strict conservative and enthusiastic evangelist. He uses forever more theology not of the head but the heart.
This book may be short but it accomplishes so much in so few pages. There is some good information and analysis in the book, and I noticed, each chapter closes with a compelling prayer. 
Though this book maybe a little eccentric and may offend some, we need to realize that this book may just kindle a fire in the hearts of many unbelievers. I do believe that in some cases that this book could be a light for God and provoke a thirst for Christ Jesus and a quest saying, “I've got to know God better.”
Tozer convinces readers that they have just scratched the surface of that relationship in witch we have in Christ.
Tozer writes, “A spiritual kingdom lies all about us, enclosing us, embracing us, altogether within reach of our inner selves, waiting for us to recognize it. God Himself is here waiting our response to His presence. This eternal world will come alive to us the moment we begin to reckon upon its reality.”  Like in the beginning of “The Pursuit of God”, the introduction God grasps and inspires, the Lord does not gain or lose anything that we do, it is only ours to gain or lose by not excepting the reality of his gift and existence.  Tozor also stats the fact that God does not beg or compromise for us to come to church and purse him. 
The Pursuit of God wants to push us into our own pursuit for him, not teach us about someone else's. In this book Tozer rarely talks about his own spiritual journey, and only briefly points of the journeys of other Christians and biblical examples.
We have a natural way or sense of bringing not just ourselves but others around us for we are social beings. We should be bringing everyone we know to the church, evangelizing and being a continuing witness for Christ. The cross something you take up deliberately not accidentally or half heartedly. Tozor in “Receptivity to God,” explains and gives an example of baby birds in a nest struggling to get out of there shells and how he felt bad. So the next year when the birds started to hatch he helped each one out. You know that happen then? Each one of those baby birds died. Just like a Christian coming to Christ, we need to make our own way to Christ out of our shells. Without that we would not have a generated faith a “true faith” a love a passion for him. Think about it. Would you believe what you believe and much as you believe, if you never went through a struggle to get there? 
The end chapter is “The Sacrament of Living,” Tozer warns against the harm that comes from assuming (One of Humanity biggest faults), there is a separation between the physical and spiritual realms. When we think that heaven is a reality only for the future, God inevitably becomes irrelevant to the present. “God is no more real [to most Christians] than He is to the non-Christian. They go through life trying to love an ideal and be loyal to a mere principle.” When in reality they miss the relationship witch is the most important part of our journey.
We need to stay in the word and communion with the Lord Jesus. He warned us many time many come as false prophets. Looking in revelation chapter three verse five people read this verse now for your name to be blot out it had to be there.
The bible is so clear about repentance.God commands ALL men everywhere to repent in Acts 17:30. Few preach against sin anymore. God is holy and He hates all sin and we should hate sin if we are followers and believers of God. We should live righteous unto the Lord by His Spirit.
To believe in Jesus also means, I turn from living for myself and pledge to live for him. Grace teaches us to say no to what grieves Jesus (sin). Grace is not a license to sin but motivates us to live holy lives. Salvation is not just some ticket to heaven.We are saved from sin and saved unto a vital relationship with the Lord Jesus.
We follow him take up our cross and follow him, coming to him and continue to choose him above all alts, follow him with faith and belief in his perfect love.