Sunday, February 13, 2011

"What Norms Are"

“What Norms Are”
Norms are the agreed-upon expectations put on this general society also rules by which the culture guides the behavior of its members no-matter situation of the subjects. Norms vary in great extents across cultural groups. One such group is the average American citation, for instance, maintain eye contact when in conversation with others, but in the Asian culture averting ones gaze well talking is a sign of politeness and respect, also humility, a sign of being below that person.
When looking at the general norms, you need to focus on at least four types of norms, first being folkways, mores, taboos, and laws. Folkways, sometimes known as “customs,” are standards of behavior that are socially acceptable for example, belching loudly after eating dinner at someone else's home is not acceptable in American folkway, but in other cultures not belching after a meal shows that you did not truly enjoy your meal and may have not liked the meal.
When referring to “ Mores” are norms of morality  hence “mor” in “Mores”. An example of braking a more is to for example, attending your church in the nude, more then likely you will offend most people of a culture.
Certain behaviors are considered taboo, meaning a culture absolutely forbids them, for example incest in U.S. culture, rape, not respecting women's rights, child abuse. 
Finally we have, “laws” witch are a formal body of rules driven forth by the state and backed by the power of the people. 
Members of a culture must conform to its norms for the culture to exist and function in a social circle. Members must want to conform and obey rules to help this work. Internalize the social norms as there own norms and values making it “normal” for the culture.
Never really thinking of this this way but a culture has to have some kind of “social control”. Such as, fines, punishments, and even imprisonment to keep the general population safe and for those who do not conform to all the norms. For example in rich society stealing is not socially acceptable, but in a poorer culture it may just be the “Norm.”
“Sullivan 2009 said..“This sociological term has been defined as "the rules that a group uses for appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. These rules may be explicit or implicit.Failure to follow the rules can result in severe punishments, including exclusion from the group." He clearly states and provides unfailing statement. 
With  social norms establish an approved ways of doing things such as, ways of dress, of speech and of appearance. These vary from culture to culture and evolve not only through time but also vary from age group to another age, social groups, ethnic groups, gender and role playing. Learning that asking a woman how old she is. is not socially acceptable in the American prejudice. The list goes on of social norms such as:
Saying "Bless you" when someone sneezes. 
Not answering your phone when out on a date or with friends. 
Not talking in a movie theater. 
Dressing nicely to go out in public places. 
How often you wash you're clothing, bed sheets. 
Brushing your teeth every day. 
Hair & clothing styles in certain neighborhoods or parts of the country. 
Using phrases that you've heard before ("If it was a snake it would-a bit me," "But it's a dry heat," "Different strokes for different folks”,” Well for hobbling horses”, “ Brake a leg”. ) 
Shaking hands when greeting someone or in others bowing. 
Being polite. (witch also different areas of the country/world how you would display politeness)
“Saying, "Please" and "Thank you", or "Sir" and "Ma'am"  in the U.S.

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